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The Doctor as a Devil

The Doctor as a Devil

De arts als duivel, 1587
Hendrick Goltzius

In a domestic setting, a man stands before his bed, surrounded by his family. A doctor extends his arm towards him. In the adjacent room, the aftermath of the man's recovery is depicted - his family refuses to pay the doctor for his services. A devilish figure takes center stage in the foreground, surrounded by medical textbooks and instruments. Engraved Latin and Greek texts lie beneath the scene, along with a printed Dutch text (outside the plate edge but on the same sheet) explaining how doctors are treated like devils when it comes to payment for their services. This print is part of a series of four, illustrating the changing perception and appreciation of doctors during their visit to a patient: upon arrival they're seen as gods, after first aid as angels, upon recovery as humans, and when payment is due, as devils.

Copyright: Public domain

Regular price £16.25
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